Digitally Literate Kids


              Jennifer Carey states in her article How to Infuse Digital Literacy Throughout the Curriculum that digital literacy is defined as “the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of digital technologies”. Educational and business  professionals both agree that digital literacy is a critical skill in the 21st century yet educators such as Jennifer are finding that schools are struggling to integrate it into their curriculum. We must begin to integrate digital literacy into all of the aspects of school as well as move into the direction of digital fluency. To be digitally fluent is much like being fluent in a language. Being able to easily and effortlessly reach ones goal of creating and communicating using various appropriate digital tools as well as understanding that communication. I feel that I am good with word processing and am sufficient in researching using technology. I am not yet an expert at any digital literacy aspect but the key word is “yet”. To become expert learners and leaders of digital literacy we must immerse ourselves in it’s abilities, taking advantage of all technological  advances and stay on the cutting edge within our classrooms. Not every tech tool is right for every subject but we as teachers should challenge ourselves to think outside of the box and give students opportunities to use digital literacy to accelerate and interest them. A blog I found that could be a useful tool for using digital literacy in the classroom as well as understanding it from an educators view was this word press blog:

I also found some useful insight about digital literacy here:


4 thoughts on “Digitally Literate Kids

    1. I think your right about this being an essential skill, I would like to think that I will be a teacher that will offer choices of technological tools for how they want to show what they have learned, and my students will discover which tools are appropriate for different content.


  1. I completely understand how awkward it must feel for teachers to figure out how to integrate digital literacy into the curriculum. While it is important for transparency and outward sharing of learning experiences, there’s also a digital gap between generations of teachers. So there are many teachers in the schools, today, who will have a learning curve to work through. Then they can lead by example. Thank you for sharing the “Digital Literacy in the Classroom” blog post, too!


    1. I hope that I gain the knowledge to be a “go to” teacher from time to time when it comes to technology. If only we could stay ahead of the students in this are! Ha,


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